As many of you know, horse ownership is more than a hobby, it’s a life style choice that those of us with horses happily make. Although I will admit, it’s also a trap, a bug. Once your in, it’s difficult to get out! Just for a little example here’s an insight to my life with horses.
Jess Viney, 20, from Worcestershire.
Freelance instructor and rider. I have four horses of which I compete at eventing and dressage and produce from 4-year-olds. They take up the majority of my life, although I have a darling of a boyfriend who puts up with them as he knows they come as part of the package.
What I love about horses is that they each have their own personality. They all know what is acceptable and unacceptable yet they all seem to push their boundaries. If anyone was to turn up at my yard in the morning they would understand why I’m not rushing into having children, they are my children! They all like to play up for attention. One throwing head collars across the yard, one chewing something he shouldn’t, one trampling his rugs, while the last is just destroying the bed i have just spent ages cleaning and tidying.
You have to weigh up the good and bad things to realise that they actually provide you with a lot more enjoyment then disappointment. One day never goes smoothly.
I took my 4-year-old ex-racehorse for a competition last Sunday. To my amazement he won with an outstanding score of 71.20% and clear showjumping. A gleaming smile all the way home for me, only to last a short while. When bringing the last horse in from the field that night, it spooks, bombs off round the garden churning it up so instead of spending my night finishing my jobs off, I spent the whole evening filling holes in and trying to make it look remotely normal.
One thing that runs through my head on days like those is “why do I bother with horses?”. Although, I will admit, it’s a lot easier to forgive a horse than it is anyone else.
I’m sure many of you with horses have the same thing run through you’re head quite regularly but just remember to weigh up those days they were your best friend to when they were your worst enemy.
Jess Viney